The Homeschooling Special Needs Online Conference is designed to encourage and inspire parents who are homeschooling special needs students of all ages: children, tweens, and teens. Designed to provide ideas, inspiration, and resources, participants will learn strategies on how to teach special needs students, gain resources, and be inspired by people who have special needs themselves.
picture of Terrie McKee

Hi, I’m Terrie McKee. I'll be your moderator and guide as we hear from giants in the homeschooling blogging world, who are either experts in special needs or have in-the-trenches experience as special needs parents. We will also hear from advocates, organizations, and other resources to inspire parents who are homeschooling their special needs children -- of all ages.

I have four special needs children (autism, ADHD, juvenile diabetes, chronic migraines, dyslexia) and am the wife of a paraplegic man. I have 25 years' experience as a special needs mom, three years as a homeschooler, and nine years in conference planning.



picture of Durenda Wilson

Durenda Wilson

Unhurried Homeschooling: Why We Need to Slow Down

picture of Temple Grandin

Temple Grandin

Talking with Temple: A Conversation about Teaching Autistic Children

picture of Lee Felix

Lee Felix

3 Keys to Parenting the Heart of Your Special Needs Child

plus bonus keynotes!


4 Truths That Offer Hope For the Special Needs Mom
ADHD: Creating an Environment that Renders Amazing Possibilities
After the Diagnosis: What's Next
Biblical Encouragement for the Special Needs Parent
Calming Stormy Behavior
Coping Strategies from the Speechie Mom
Dyslexia Demystified-Definitions and Hope for Homeschoolers
Fostering Independence in Your ADHD Child
Giving Gifted Kids What They Really Need
Helping Struggling Learners Apply to and Succeed in College
High School at Home for Teens Who Struggle
Homeschooling with ADHD
Homeschooling with Apraxia
Homeschooling with High Energy, Sensory Intense Kids!
Homeschooling with Learning Differences
Homeschooling your ADHD Children (While Maintaining Your Sanity!)
Keeping Your Sanity through Organization of Special Needs Information
Loving Your Teens Who Struggle with Depression, Anxiety, and PTSD
Of IEPs and 504 Plans -- Bridging Between Public Schools and Homeschooling
Practical Strategies to Teach Children/Teens with Special Needs
Raising Exceptional Children
Soft Skills to Help Special Needs Children Feel Cherished and Respected
Strategies to Homeschool Children and Teens with Autism
Teaching Faith to Children with Special Needs
Teaching Math to Struggling Learners
The Essentials of Special Education Homeschooling
The Special Needs Transcript
Tips For Successful Autistic Family Travel & Field Trips
Understanding the Twice Exceptional Learner: Boundless Gifts!
Using Museums as Your Classroom

plus bonus sessions!


Lifetime access to all the conference sessions
Swag Bag from Speakers and Sponsors Featuring Printables, Coupons, and Freebies
Access to the Homeschooling Special Needs Facebook Group